The Chesapeake Bay Art Association is an active group in the Hampton Roads area and beyond who aim to support and grow the art community in the region. As part of the association, you have access to a network of artists, monthly meeting, events, and discounted entry fees into art shows. Click the links below for applications!

Members $35 due Jan 2024,

Patron Dues $15.00.

“Once There Was An Acorn” Janice Gay Maker

Your dues may be paid online below, by check, or in person at a monthly meeting. Please mail checks payable to “Chesapeake Bay Art Association”.

Membership: Artists with privileges to vote and enter the art exhibits and shows for CBAA

Patron: One who is supportive of CBAA with no voting rights or membership privileges for art shows

Membership dues are $35 for the year payable online via the button below.

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